Big announcement! Our book collection, ‘The Chronicles of Ubuntopia’ will become an international film production! We have teamed up with award-winning professionals in family films and the music industry for this film production.
Why is this film production important?
Did you know that in 1970 in America, 1 in 100 babies was born multiracial? In 2015 this was even 1 in 7! There are many children who live between 2 or more cultures.
This film project serves various themes that can be experienced as important:
- Teenagers are looking for their identity
Many teenagers with a multiracial or diaspora (etc.) background are curious about their identity and origins in this stage of life. Therefore, they go exploring their cultural identity and look for connections. - (Grand)parents are having challenges passing on cultural roots and values
(Grand) parents want to pass on their cultural roots and values to the next generations but cannot find appealing communication tools. - Intangible and oral heritage is getting lost
Oral cultural stories are getting lost as the interest of new generations shifts from offline to online media stories. This way, a library of wisdom and cultural heritage is getting lost. - Shortage of media productions and products about cultural identity
There is a need for exciting media productions and products that treats the mentioned themes that reach this ‘coming of age’ group. - Very limited brands to express cultural identity
Youngers tend to use brands to express their identity and lifestyle. This way, they signal what kind of person they are. Unfortunately, there is a lack of brands and products that express cultural identity. This is where Ubuntopia comes in.
Film Synopsis
The ‘Chronicles of Ubuntopia’ is an ambitious live-action series about the fourteen-year-old girl Aimée who, like many teenagers, is looking for her place in society. She is trying to find something to hold on to in the complicated process of ‘coming of age’. She is adopted and has fantastic European parents, but she is looking for her original roots.
Ubuntopia is a magical world on the other side of her bedroom door. A magical African forest, where all children of different cultures gather under the ‘Wisdom-of-the-World’ tree to experience a story by the African griot Balla.
The stories that Balla tells are old wise folk tales from Africa and give Aimée insight and guidance into the problems and situations she is experiencing at that time. She takes the message from the old African culture that she benefits from in the daily complicated European life.
What makes this production stand out?
The series will be a unique collaboration in which – under the guidance of the core team – various African screenwriters and filmmakers from the different countries/cultures in which these stories take place are approached to bring these stories to life.
Process & Partners
Would you like to cooperate in our nautilus growth model by starting a partnership in producing
an international film production ?
We are looking for partners to our Ubuntopia brand that can cooperate in producing our collection of real stories from African countries into motion pictures and support this project to help multicultural teenagers know more about their identity and origins.
We explain the project in the next slides but, we would be more than happy to invite you for an online meeting to explain this exciting project in details and assess your potential contribution.
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