How to become an Ubuntopia® Family Village

Are you a developer, and would you like to transform your area or hotel into a family village resort with entertainment (resortainment), but you don’t know where to start or don’t have the right knowledge?

Our constructions will transform a (semi) rural area or a leisure and tourism site such as a hotel and zoo expansion, playground or day attraction into a bustling, urban hotspot.
We proudly present to you our franchise chain Ubuntopia®, including all necessary services, to create your own Cultural Family Village within the shortest possible time!

This brand follows the steps as the proven business model of Disney: it starts with characters and (historical) stories, we transform these into books and book adoptions. Then, once a movie becomes a hit, we offer licensing rights that allow sustainable manufacturers to use Ubuntopia’s characters on their products. Finally, families can relive the magic of Ubuntopia movies at Cultural Experience Parks. After a long day full of new memories, stay overnight at the themed Ubuntopia Family Village. Perhaps your area or hotel has the potential to become part of this franchise chain.

Please click on the document “Becoming an Ubuntopia® Family Village”, to browse through the our brochure that guides you through the total process.