New Destination Industrial Heritage in National Park Hoge Kempen, Belgium

Nationaal park de hoge kempen

The National Park ‘Hoge Kempen’ asked GreenDreamCompany to evaluate the potential future use and exploitation possibilities of three heritage buildings for leisure purposes within the park. GreenDreamCompany conducted the analysis using the specially developed ‘Quickscan Method for Cultural Heritage Sites,’ which measures eight elements and their interrelated connections. The review particularly emphasizes environmental and ecological values.

Project details:

Client: Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland (RLKM), Belgium

Scope of services:

  • Quickscan Cultural Heritage
  • Concept and Project Management
  • Stakeholders Management
  • Sustainability and Feasibility Investigation of Heritage

Location: Flandres, Belgium

Size: 5750ha

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